How to get current page title inside a page itself in a shortcode and in page content
When i add the
<?php the_title(); ?>
to a page template file it works and is able to pull the page title inside html tags however if i wanted to add
<?php the_title(); ?>
to a single page itself how would i do so?
Also to provide more context; i want to add the
<?php the_title(); ?>
inside a shortcode in order to have the shortcode replace part of it with the specific page’s title, how would i do that?
shortcode to display the title of the post or page.You can create a shortcode to fetch the title of current page. Try copying the following snippet in your child theme’s functions.php
function post_title_shortcode(){ return get_the_title(); } add_shortcode('post_title','post_title_shortcode');
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